Purpose + Versatility
İncal Buildin is a cutting-edge admixture for concrete production that combines blast furnace granulated pieces with natural zeolite (puzzolan) through a meticulous grinding process. This unique blend serves as a type II additive, offering a myriad of applications in the construction industry, empowering builders with an array of advantages.
Concrete Production
İncal Buildin is meticulously formulated to elevate the performance of concrete mixes, making it an ideal choice for the preparation of both on-site and prefabricated structural concrete. The addition of İncal Buildin contributes to improved compressive strength, flexural strength, and overall durability of concrete structures.
Cement, Mortar, and Grout Production
Beyond its primary application in concrete, İncal Buildin’s versatility extends to the production of cement, mortar, and grout. By incorporating natural zeolite, these essential building materials exhibit enhanced bonding, improved workability, and reduced shrinkage, ensuring long-lasting and robust construction elements.
Underground Sealing Walls and Piles
İncal Buildin serves as a reliable binder for constructing underground sealing walls and piles. Its unique properties ensure the stability and integrity of these essential underground structures, providing a superior level of protection against water ingress and environmental factors.
Scientific Backing for
Buildin's Advantages
The efficacy of İncal Buildin as a supplementary material is firmly rooted in extensive scientific research and comprehensive testing. Notable studies conducted by renowned researchers have unequivocally demonstrated the tangible benefits of incorporating natural zeolite into construction materials:
Najimi's Investigation
Najimi conducted a comprehensive study focusing on the mechanical and durability properties of concrete mixes with 15 percent and 30 percent natural zeolite. The research findings revealed that zeolite-concrete mixes exhibited significantly enhanced resistance to water and chloride penetration, reduced corrosion rates, and diminished drying/shrinkage effects. This evidence reinforces İncal Buildin’s role in improving the strength, durability, and overall performance of concrete structures, rendering them more resilient to environmental stressors.
Bilim's Mortar Analysis
In-depth research by Bilim explored the properties and behavior of cement mortar containing clinoptilolite, a specific type of natural zeolite. Through the preparation of various mortar mixtures with differing zeolite percentages (ranging from 0% to 30% by weight, replacing Portland cement), Bilim observed substantial improvements in compressive and flexural strength. Additionally, mortars with incorporated clinoptilolite showcased reduced water absorption, porosity, and superior freeze-thaw resistance. These findings underscore İncal Buildin’s capability to enhance the durability and performance of mortar mixes, making it an economically viable and technically superior option for construction projects.
Sulfate Resistance by Janotka and Mojumdar
Janotka and Mojumdar conducted an extensive study characterizing the sulfate resistance of mortars made from Portland cement and Portland-pozzolan cement with 35 wt% of zeolite addition (zeolite-based cement - ZBC). The mortars were subjected to rigorous testing in both water and a 5 percent sodium sulfate solution for an extended period of 720 days. The results conclusively demonstrated that the sulfate resistance of zeolite-based cement (ZBC) mortars surpassed that of traditional Portland cement mortars. This research confirms İncal Buildin’s efficacy in mitigating the detrimental effects of sulfate exposure, offering a reliable solution for construction projects in sulfate-rich environments.
Environmental Advantages +
As the construction industry seeks to minimize its environmental impact, İncal Buildin emerges as a game-changing solution with clear ecological benefits:
CO2 Emission Reduction
Traditional Portland cement production is associated with substantial carbon dioxide emissions. By incorporating natural zeolite, İncal Buildin reduces the reliance on Portland cement and effectively curtails CO2 emissions during the construction process. This sustainable approach aligns with eco-conscious building practices, contributing to a greener and more sustainable construction industry.
Material and Cost Savings
Leveraging İncal Buildin as a supplementary material allows construction companies to optimize the use of primary resources while achieving comparable or even enhanced performance. The reduction in material consumption translates to cost savings, fostering economic viability without compromising on quality.