İncal Drivein introduces a revolutionary road construction solution that combines the benefits of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) with the remarkable properties of natural zeolite. This innovative technology not only improves the performance and durability of asphalt pavements but also contributes significantly to environmental preservation and worker safety.
Environmental Advantages
Reduced Emissions
Emphasizing environmental responsibility, İncal Drivein addresses one of the major challenges in traditional Hot Mix Asphalt production—excessive emissions. By incorporating natural zeolite into the mix, WMA technology enables asphalt production at lower temperatures. As a result, emissions of CO2, VOCs, and other harmful pollutants are significantly reduced. The utilization of zeolite optimizes the process by providing superior heat retention, further mitigating the environmental impact of asphalt production.
Lower Fuel and Energy Usage
İncal Drivein embraces energy efficiency as a core principle. Through WMA technology, burner fuel savings of 20 to 35 percent are achievable compared to HMA methods. Additionally, by implementing advanced processes like low-energy asphalt concrete (LEAB) and low-energy asphalt (LEA), the savings can exceed 50 percent. Reduced energy consumption not only conserves valuable resources but also contributes to cost savings and a more sustainable road construction industry.
Paving Benefits
Extended Paving Season
The unique properties of İncal Drivein with zeolite enable road construction projects to extend their paving season. By slowing down the cooling rate of the asphalt mixture, WMA remains workable for an extended period in cooler temperatures. This advantage is particularly valuable in regions with varying climates, allowing contractors to continue paving operations even during colder months.
Longer Haul Distances
İncal Drivein revolutionizes asphalt transportation logistics. The technology's improved workability and extended paving time enable longer haul distances without compromising the quality of the mix. This capability not only reduces the need for multiple asphalt production plants but also contributes to more efficient and cost-effective road construction projects.
Enhanced Compaction Efficiency
İncal Drivein ensures superior compaction during asphalt placement. The increased compactability of WMA with zeolite results in more robust and long-lasting road surfaces. Contractors benefit from reduced compaction efforts, enabling faster project completion and enhanced pavement performance.
Increased Recycled Asphalt Usage
In line with sustainable practices, İncal Drivein supports the use of higher percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). The technology's improved workability and compaction characteristics facilitate the incorporation of RAP into the mix, promoting resource conservation and reducing waste generation.
Safety + Worker Welfare
Compliance with REACH Regulations
İncal Drivein adheres to the stringent guidelines set by the European Union's REACH regulation. By keeping asphalt application temperatures below 200°C (392°F), the technology aligns with the derived non-effect levels (DNEL) specified in REACH. This commitment ensures the safety and protection of workers from potential exposure to harmful asphalt fumes.
Improved Working Conditions
İncal Drivein significantly reduces worker exposure to harmful emissions during asphalt production and application. The technology's lower application temperatures substantially decrease the risk associated with high-temperature production processes. This improvement fosters a safer and healthier working environment for road construction personnel.
The Science Behind Drivein
Zeolite as an Active Ingredient
İncal Drivein harnesses the unique properties of clinoptilolite zeolite, a natural microcrystalline hydrated aluminosilicate. Zeolite's 3-dimensional structure with molecular-sized pores and cavities provides it with exceptional adsorption capabilities for various substances, both polar and non-polar. These qualities make zeolite an effective sorbent for inorganic and organic molecules, including odorous substances.
Optimal Utilization in Asphalt Production
By leveraging zeolite's adsorption and molecular sieving properties, İncal Drivein maximizes its efficacy in Warm Mix Asphalt production and application. Zeolite retains water molecules in its natural state and becomes an active sorbent upon desiccation. This unique characteristic optimizes the physical treatment of asphalt, leading to more efficient and sustainable road construction.
Ecological Solution for
Sustainable Road Construction
İncal Drivein’s integration of zeolite into Warm Mix Asphalt represents a transformative step toward greener and more sustainable road construction practices. By reducing emissions, conserving energy, and promoting worker safety, İncal Drivein exemplifies a commitment to environmental preservation and responsible construction. With extended paving seasons, longer haul distances, and increased recycled asphalt usage, this innovative technology sets the stage for cost-effective and environmentally conscious road projects.