İncal Compostin is a groundbreaking product that revolutionizes the composting process by incorporating Clinoptilolite, a naturally occurring zeolite mineral, as an enhancer. With its scientifically proven benefits and sustainable approach, İncal Compostin sets a new standard for composting practices.
Heavy Metal Reduction +
Soil Remediation
The inclusion of Natural Zeolite, such as Clinoptilolite, in İncal Compostin leads to a significant reduction in heavy metal uptake by plants. This property is particularly crucial in remediating soil and solid waste compost, as municipal waste composts can often result in heavy metal contamination of soil. By incorporating untreated or Mg-modified Natural Zeolite during the composting process, the concentration of heavy metals in the soil is effectively reduced. Studies have demonstrated that corn plants grown in remediated soil with the addition of different Natural Zeolites exhibit lower total uptake of heavy metals, such as Pb, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni, and Cd. This showcases the potential of İncal Compostin to improve soil quality and safety for agricultural use.
Odor Control +
Greenhouse Gas Reduction
Odor control is a significant challenge in composting, particularly concerning waste and manure compost. İncal Compostin addresses this issue by leveraging Clinoptilolite's unique structure, which enables it to absorb and adsorb liquids, gases, and suspended matter. As a result, Clinoptilolite effectively captures and controls ammonia gas, a primary source of unpleasant odors during composting. Furthermore, Natural Zeolite's cation exchange capacity plays a vital role in sequestering nitrates, sulfates, and hydrogen ions, leading to a reduction in the production of methane and nitrous oxide – potent greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
Nutrient Retention +
Increased Crop Yield
İncal Compostin serves as a valuable nutrient reservoir, particularly for essential elements like nitrogen and potassium. Clinoptilolite's ability to hold nitrogen in the growth zone ensures that it remains available to plants in a controlled and as-needed manner. This promotes plant growth and significantly improves overall crop yield. Additionally, the water retention capacity of Clinoptilolite plays a crucial role in protecting plants against drought stress, enhancing their resilience and productivity.
Soil Quality Improvement +
Microorganism Development
The incorporation of Natural Zeolite in İncal Compostin leads to substantial improvements in soil quality. Clinoptilolite enhances nutrient availability, promotes porosity, increases oxygen content, and regulates pH levels, creating an optimal environment for microorganism development. The unique porosity of Clinoptilolite ensures adequate oxygen levels for aerobic microorganisms, which are essential for efficient composting. Moreover, Clinoptilolite provides an ideal substrate for microorganisms to colonize, ensuring the availability of nutrients and water required for their growth and activity.
Water Management +
Groundwater Protection
İncal Compostin presents an effective solution for water conservation during composting. Its ability to hold up to 50% of its weight in water in open channel-ways significantly reduces evaporation from the compost, ensuring more efficient water use. Additionally, Clinoptilolite's capacity to inhibit the oxidation of ammonium to nitrates prevents groundwater contamination, supporting environmentally responsible composting practices.
Time + Volume Reduction
The benefits of İncal Compostin extend to the efficiency of composting processes. By reducing the volume of compost feedstock by up to 50%, İncal Compostin contributes to more efficient and cost-effective composting practices. Additionally, the presence of Clinoptilolite accelerates the composting process by decreasing the developmental lag phase of microorganisms, resulting in faster production of high-quality compost.
How to Use
Feed Additive
Incorporate 1.25% Clinoptilolite into the feedlot cattle diet to reduce nitrogen losses and enhance manure handling and transport to compost locations.
Top Dressing
Apply İncal Compostin to fresh manure and compost to capture ammonium before it converts to ammonia gas, effectively reducing nitrogen losses by 50%. This application method also helps control odor and minimizes fly attraction.
Soil Application
Directly apply İncal Compostin to the soil, where it provides essential nutrients, retains water, and promotes plant growth and development.